Fishpunk Nearing Release

Finally, I have some news on Fishpunk. I completed edits based on first reader comments, and have only a few minor details to address before I can call it a wrap. Yesterday, I received the final cover painting. It is gorgeous, but it still needs lettering. I’ll be posting the… Continue reading

A Little Retooling of Goals

When a person makes a goal at the beginning of the year, sometimes things change along the way, and those objectives might change, as well. While working on A Darkling Nine, I came to a point in the story where I didn’t really know how things should resolve. That means… Continue reading

Update – 6/4/12

This will be the last update for “A Darkling Nine” for a little while. Since my productivity is sputtering out and I have feedback from first readers on “Fishpunk,” it seems my efforts would be better applied toward finishing “Fishpunk” right now. So, I only managed 2899 words this past… Continue reading

Gilead’s Cover Art Sketch for “Fishpunk”

I am very excited to have the awesome local artist Gilead working on the cover art for my forthcoming novel Fishpunk. Here is the proposal sketch for the cover art, which I think looks awesome. I can’t wait to see the finished goods, and I can’t wait to get this… Continue reading

Rigel Kentaurus, Last Day on KDP Select

My novel Rigel Kentaurus has nearly completed its 90-day journey through KDP Select. The question I have to ask myself is, was it worth it? It’s unfortunate that is one of those thing you can’t do and not do for comparison. By that, I mean I can’t compare KDP Select… Continue reading

It’s Fishpunk!

Last night, I finished the first draft of Fishpunk. It came in about 7000 words shorter than I projected before starting, 73,262 vs 80,000. Not bad for a guess I made in February. Progress this week, 8991 words in 5 days, including a hair below 2500 today for the homestretch…. Continue reading

Rigel Kentaurus is Done. Next…Fishpunk!

I spent a good portion of the day cleaning up the details for Rigel Kentaurus. I had 8 sales in the first 24 hours, which is considerably better than Neanderthal Swan Song did. Last night, I realized that I forgot to include the cover illustration credits in, so I uploaded… Continue reading