Waldo Canyon Fire Evacuation – My Experience

For vacation last week, I took the family to Red River, NM. As part of the trip, we intended to see my brother and his family in northwest Colorado Springs. I had been to his home once, and the rest of the family had never been there. There was, of… Continue reading

Back From Trip

Went with the family up to Red River, New Mexico with a side trip to Colorado Springs. I’m pretty tired after driving the ten hours to get home (including a stop to get the dogs at the kennel). And, I only lost one fish, a tetra. I’ll be blogging about… Continue reading

Assessment of KDP Select

Since January 1st, I have place three book into KDP Select to assess its viability. I launched Rigel Kentaurus into KDP Select first. A while later, I unpublished both my collection Accretion, and my first novel Neanderthal Swan Song from everywhere but Amazon. My first free days on Rigel Kentaurus… Continue reading


One of the worst things that can happen to a fishkeeper is to walk past your tank and see a fish bloated with the scales pineconed. Yup, this is dropsy. Unlike many other illnesses, dropsy is not a sickness in and of itself. It is a symptom of something else…. Continue reading

A Little Retooling of Goals

When a person makes a goal at the beginning of the year, sometimes things change along the way, and those objectives might change, as well. While working on A Darkling Nine, I came to a point in the story where I didn’t really know how things should resolve. That means… Continue reading

In Memory of Ray Bradbury

I don’t like days like today, days when I turn on the computer and learn that one of the icons of science fiction has died. Science Fiction losing Ray Bradbury is like football losing Bart Starr, or baseball losing Stan Musial. It’s like Hollywood losing Clint Eastwood, or rock and… Continue reading

A Man Walks Into a Bookstore

In this morning’s paper, there was an article about a man named Omar Amin, a 73-year-old physician and grandfather, who was shopping for books to give his grandchildren. As doctors are prone to do, he answered a cell phone call. Somebody complained, and a Barnes and Noble employee removed him… Continue reading

Update – 6/4/12

This will be the last update for “A Darkling Nine” for a little while. Since my productivity is sputtering out and I have feedback from first readers on “Fishpunk,” it seems my efforts would be better applied toward finishing “Fishpunk” right now. So, I only managed 2899 words this past… Continue reading