Wednesday Writer – What’s Going On?

Three weeks in a row, no new Wednesday Writer. What’s going on? As it turns out, we had some spam filter action preventing the writer from receiving the questions. that has been addressed and the writer is working on the answers now. I have also sent out questions to three… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Get ‘er Done!

One of the most important things I ever did as a writer was finish my first novel. If you are a novelist, you know what I mean. If you have tried and aborted a novel at least once, you know what I mean. Finishing your first novel is at the… Continue reading

Monday Status Report – 3/18/13

This past week has been productive, if not hectic. It also marks the first chapter I have written in this novel where I was fighting off falling asleep, so I know I have part of one session that reads like a stream-of-consciousness random psychobabble passage. I’ll figure out what I… Continue reading

Fish Friday – SAKE Win, Pachypanchax playfairii

Last weekend at the Southwest Area Killifish Event (SAKE) I came home with several bags of new fish. Over the next several weeks, I’ll let you get familiar with these different species. By the way, a killifish name is an Anglicization of killifische, and basically means ditch fish, as many… Continue reading

Thursday Thoughts – Helpful

I started the Thursday thoughts meme by going through the 12 points of the scout law. Today’s thought takes the form of the third point, a scout is helpful. Trying to bring this into every day living is the part where people struggle. Sometimes, we get wrapped up in our… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – White Room Syndrome

White room syndrome is writing without giving any sensory detail. One thing that makes great writing stand out from good writing is the ability to bring your reader into the story, and one way to do that is detail. Last week I talked about this in terms of getting into… Continue reading

Potpourri – SAKE Results

Back from SAKE and just in the tail end of about 3 hours worth of tank preparation and fish acclimation as I write this (11 PM last night by the time you read it). A nice event. The speakers were not as good as least year, but still interesting. The… Continue reading

Potpourri – Southwest Area Killifish Event

Today marks the 15th annual Southwest Area Killifish Event in Phoenix, AZ. This is the only fish convention held locally, and it’s great fun for a fish keeper like me. It’s nothing like a SF/F convention other than enthusiasts come from all over to attend. It features killifish and livebearers,… Continue reading

Fish Friday – Daisy’s Rice Fish

About a year and a half ago, I came across a fish I had never seen before, the Blue Neon Rice Fish (Oryzias woworai). It had been discovered just a few years earlier by a woman named Dr. Daisy Wowor, a carcinologist from Indonesia. (A carcinologist studies crustaceans.) The fish… Continue reading