Monday Status Report 4-29-13

I made some progress in my first edit pass of A Darkling Nine. I’ve made it through 48 pages–not a particularly large number of pages, but progress nevertheless. Other obligations, particularly with my teaching gig at the community college interfered with the edits, but most of that was one-shot. I… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Let it Go Stale

One thing some beginning writers often struggle with is rushing work out the door. You finish a story or article and send it out into the world with minimal edits. The reasons for this can be many. Perhaps the writer is trying to pump up the race score. (See Dean… Continue reading

Monday Status Report 4-15-13

I did not work on fiction at all this past week, though I have been chewing on ideas for the sequel to Rigel Kentaurus. That book originally had the working title Barnard’s Star, but the plot falling together is not supporting that title. The working title is now Proxima Centauri…. Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Ratchet Up That Word Count

One thing that remains true for every writer is the fact that books get written faster if you write more. That is to say, if you write 2000 words every day, you will finish in half the time as it would take writing 1000 words each day. The problem for… Continue reading

Monday Status Report

Not much new writing this week, although I did spend quite a bit of time answering some questions at, so that sort of counts. I’ve been debating whether to start the next novel or to give A Darkling Nine a first edit pass. There are pluses and minuses to… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – In the Grind

One of the reason there are far more people who want to write a book than there are those who actually do it is that it’s hard. People who have not written a book don’t realize how hard it truly is to finish. That’s the kick. There are a lot… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Repetitive Tics

Every writer has their own peculiar set of words that tend to be repeated too often. I tend to use ‘then’ a lot. I also have a few ways of wording things that are not efficient, nor particularly smooth reading. In the initial draft, I just let it go. The… Continue reading

Monday Status Report – 4/1/13

Friday evening, I struggled trying to continue my novel-in-progress into the next chapter. I ended up walking away from it after a word count of only 583 on the day. My target has been 1750 daily throughout this novel. I returned that evening and reread the last few paragraphs. After… Continue reading

Tuesday Tips – Get ‘er Done!

One of the most important things I ever did as a writer was finish my first novel. If you are a novelist, you know what I mean. If you have tried and aborted a novel at least once, you know what I mean. Finishing your first novel is at the… Continue reading

Monday Status Report – 3/18/13

This past week has been productive, if not hectic. It also marks the first chapter I have written in this novel where I was fighting off falling asleep, so I know I have part of one session that reads like a stream-of-consciousness random psychobabble passage. I’ll figure out what I… Continue reading