RiNoWriMo – Day 1

At writers group last night, Lejon Johnson gave my NaNoSorTa a new name. The big deal in November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). Lejon dubbed this February effort RiNoWriMo, Rick Novy Writing Month. So be it. In a perfect world, every month is RiNoWriMo. But this is life. And… Continue reading

Meet Up with John Brown and Larry Correia

I love when writers I know from cyberspace show up in Phoenix and I get to meet them face to face. Two writers I know from Codex showed up during a book tour last November. John Brown I have known electronically for several years. Larry Correia I’ve known electronically for… Continue reading

Honorable Mention

Sometimes a surprise comes in the mail. Today I received my third Writers of the Future certificate for finishing as honorable mention. WOTF is funny that way. I have placed at Honorable Mention (or Quarter Finalist, as it used to be known) nine times. I have received three certificates. The… Continue reading

Year in Review

So what did I accomplish this year? It sure feels like it wasn’t very much, but here are some milestones. 1. Thirteen short fiction works were published in some form during 2009.2. My first stand-alone book, “Winter,” was published by Sam’s Dot Publishing, featuring my novelette Winter and a reprint… Continue reading

Staggering Back to Life

Over the past several days, I have been “enjoying” the cold my daughters brought home from school and gave me for Christmas. It’s been a nasty headcold that I am now on the recovery end of. I feel pretty fortunate that it hasn’t developed into a sinus infection (yet). On… Continue reading