Finally, My Amazon-Macmillan Post

I wasn’t planning to make any kind of statement about the Amazon-Macmillan ebook pricing conflict, but the most recent post by writer John Scalzi had the effect of changing my mind about that decision. But first, let me start out by saying that this post isn’t about John Scalzi, nor… Continue reading

Store is Live

Today I finally got the eshop running well enough to declare it open for business, despite that being somewhat misleading.  The shelves are stocked with one product, a PDF version of my short story “How to Thwart a Dictator.”  It’s a humorous story that originally appeared in Tales of the… Continue reading

Digitized Future

Since my meeting with Michael A. Stackpole last friday, digital publishing has been more and more on my mind. I’m in the planning stages of setting up a storefront on Since there seems to be growing interest in this area, I’ll be documenting the experience here for other writers… Continue reading

RiNoWriMo a Bust

Bad bad weekend for productivity. Weekends are very difficult to use for writing. Distractions, tasks, and more distractions abound. So, not surprisingly, I have totally fallen off the RiNoWriMo wagon. I’m now hopelessly behind. So, how to go forward? Actually, it isn’t as bad as it seems. Although I haven’t… Continue reading