Scribbling Update

Not much putting words on paper have happened recently, but that doesn’t mean I have been neglecting the writing.  I have a few projects that have been in the prep phase. Foremost, I have discovered a word processing program for Windows that will export a document in ePub format.  During… Continue reading

Nat Geo Update

I just finished piecing together the premise for the first story in my National Geographic Closet Space Marathon (which I outlined here). I have the kernel of a story now, and it’s one that has some potential. Interestingly enough, this will probably be a fantasy story. It’s not completely unheard… Continue reading

Fiction Year in Review

Considering the lethargic pace of producing new work this year, I didn’t really have a bad year in terms of publishing. This is what I wrote that appeared in 2010. Books 2020 Visions – I edited this fiction anthology filled with 16 stories of the near future by 16 different… Continue reading

The Aether Age and 2020 Visions

Two items of news today. First, I received my copy of The Aether Age: Helios in the mail today. In it resides my story Goga’s First Law. Second, I found my first review of 2020 Visions, five of five stars! Woot!

2020 Visions Released

The near-future anthology I edited over the summer has been released on You can find it here. * Mary Robinette Kowal “Birthright” * Sheila Finch “The Persistence of Butterflies” * Randy Henderson “A Shelter for Living Things” * Jason S. Ridler “Showing Light” * Ernest Hogan “Radiation is Groovy,… Continue reading

Some Things Never Change

It seems some things never change. Persons in a position of power still take advantage of people whom they are in a position to help. What I’m talking about here is based upon what Jim Hines called to my attention via his Live Journal entry about some very inexcusable behavior… Continue reading