Neanderthal Swan Song Back Cover Copy

The world of anthropology would have been excited when a perfectly preserved Neanderthal body is discovered in a Greenlandic glacier, if authorities had allowed the details out. When an American anthropologist involved in the excavation is denied access to the body, she uses an illicit tissue sample as source material… Continue reading

Neanderthal Swan Song Progress

Now that Accretion has been released for Kindle on Amazon and in EPUB on Barnes and Noble my focus has returned to the novel Neanderthal Swan Song. (I should note that Accretion is available in EPUB and MOBI formats on my website without geographic restrictions.) I am about 10% of… Continue reading

Resolution from Angry Robot

IN March, Angry Robot books had an open call for manuscripts. I debated whether to submit or to go ahead with plans already in place to go indie with this book. I reluctantly submitted, hoping for a quick resolution, and secretly hoping that they would not be interested. Turns out,… Continue reading

Novel and Other Writings Update

This afternoon I finished my edit of my novel Neanderthal Swan Song, incorporating all the tweaking that I needed in order to make some Japanese cultural items less archaic. The novel currently sits in the pile from Angry Robot publishing’s open call. I filled in the EPUB template as I… Continue reading

Another Blow to Traditional Publishing

Author Terrill Lankford made a bold stand recently. He read his contract from a major publishing house and balked at the electronic royalty split of 75% going to the publisher. Get the details in this Publisher’s Weekly article. If you have been following this blog for very long at all,… Continue reading

Progress at Entropy Central

I woke up to another cold day here at Entropy Central, lingering effects of a storm that blew through over the weekend. We don’t heat the house unless it becomes unbearably cold, and that isn’t often. On the writing front, I finished the edits for the collaboration story and sent… Continue reading