5 Incidental Outcomes of Indie Publishing

Over the past two days, I’ve listed advantages and disadvantages of becoming an indie publisher. Today, we’ll look at some incidental things that have occurred to me and might happen to you, too, if you go the indie route. These are not necessarily good or bad, just observations. 1. Opinion–… Continue reading

5 Advantages to Indie Publishing

Yesterday, I discussed 5 disadvantages to indie publishing. Today we’ll look at 5 advantages. 1. Control– You have the final say over what the cover looks like, what price to sell at, what content comes out, what content stays in, length, and pretty much everything else. This allows you to… Continue reading

5 Disadvantages to Indie Publishing

Just because I’ve jumped into the indie publishing waters head first, I don’t necessarily think that traditional publishing is dead or even dying. It’s undergoing change, for sure, but people still like paper. My reasons for publishing Neanderthal Swan Song on an independent basis are many, and the decision was… Continue reading

Project Plans for Summer 2011

For anyone interested, here are my writing plans for the next few weeks. 1) Finish my edits on short story collaborative project. 2) Redraft a short story I did for the Codexian Idol contest. 3) Write another article on Endler’s Livebearers. 4) Complete one of two unfinished novels. 5) Complete… Continue reading

Friends in High Places?

This weekend, SFWA held the annual Nebula Awards ceremony. A number of my writer friends were on the ballot in various categories. And, two of these friends won! Rachel Swirsky won in the novella category, beating out some excellent competition. Noteworthy about that is the very difficulty in actually selling… Continue reading

Neanderthal Swan Song Released

My novel Neanderthal Swan Song has been released. It will be available for Kindle in the Amazon store and for Nook (and anything else reading epub files) from Barnes and Noble as soon as both sites finish chewing on the files. Meanwhile, you can get a copy right here, on… Continue reading