Indie Writer vs Self-Published Writer

Five years ago, there was no substantial difference between these two types of writers. In fact, the term “indie” wasn’t being bounced around yet, and many of the writers publishing their own work today would never have believed they would do it had you asked even three years ago. Indie… Continue reading

Progress Report – 4/2/12

I had consistency this past week, hitting the word count every day, and only really shooing well past that target once. For the week, 11,425 words added to “Fishpunk,” bringing the total to 53,712 words of a projected 80,000. I’m getting close to the climax of the story, so unless… Continue reading

Progress Report – 3/12/12

This week, I made good progress through friday, but the weekend was a huge distraction for me. SAKE (Southwest Area Killifish Event) consumed my entire Saturday, and Sunday was filled with getting things done around the house. I ended the week with 8140 words, which is just over 1100 words… Continue reading