Update – 5/7/12

As I have for the past three novels, whenever I’m working on long fiction, I post weekly updates on Monday. This is to keep me going by publicly proclaiming whether I’m working or doing something else, and that keeps me working. I started a new novel on May 1st, so… Continue reading

Work Begins on a New Novel, and a Trad Pub Decision

Yesterday, I started writing the second of four novels I intend to write this year. The novel is called “A Darkling Nine,” and I project it to be around 110,000 words. In a break from my indie ways, I plan to run this past a handful of agents before I… Continue reading

Tor/Forge Lose DRM

Much has already been said about this topic by others, including John Scalzi, Tobias Buckell, and Harry Connolly. Being a fully independent author, I’m not really impacted directly by this. That said, this is a good decision for this publishing house. DRM doesn’t deter piracy, but it does prevent legitimate… Continue reading

5th Anniversary of International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day

Five years ago today, there existed a controversy about posting professional quality writing for free on the internet. The writers who posted items for free (including myself) adopted the slam “Pixel-Stained Technopeasant” as their own, and declared the day International Pixel-Stained Technopeasant Day. These folks all posted something new online… Continue reading

How I Wrote a Novel in Seven Weeks

Once in a while, it’s necessary to reflect upon the road already gone by in any journey. Today, I’m thinking about the journey of becoming a writer, and more specifically, a novelist. Looking Back I started writing novels in junior high, and continued into high school. It fell away for… Continue reading

The Difficulty of SF

For the writer, every genre has its quirks and its peculiar difficulties. The peculiar difficulty of science fiction is that, at least to be true to form, there must be an aspect of science that is so integral to the plot that removing it causes the entire story to collapse…. Continue reading

But They Were Based on Real Aliens!

When writing science fiction, one can run into some interesting situations where choices must be made. I like hard science fiction quite a bit, and I write what many might consider to be hard science fiction at least part of the time. One thing the hard SF writer must occasionally… Continue reading

Finish That Novel

Writing a novel can be a daunting task for someone who has never done it. I was that way once. I had countless false starts over many years. Persistence One day, I decided I would finish what I started, no matter what. No matter how bad it turned out, I… Continue reading

It’s Fishpunk!

Last night, I finished the first draft of Fishpunk. It came in about 7000 words shorter than I projected before starting, 73,262 vs 80,000. Not bad for a guess I made in February. Progress this week, 8991 words in 5 days, including a hair below 2500 today for the homestretch…. Continue reading