
I posted the information about Alien Skin (see below) to Codex Writers Group, and got a surprising number of sympathetic responses. Several people said they would no longer consider submitting there. Quite honestly, had I known about this public shame board, I probably wouldn’t have submitted there in the first… Continue reading

Award Nomination

Looks like I’ve been nominated for my first award, the James B. Baker award from Sam’s Dot Publishing. From Sam’s Dot’s own words: For those not fully familiar with this award, it’s named for our “founding father,” James B. Baker, who for years ran ProMart Publishing, which at his passing… Continue reading

Snow Bowl

I love watching bad weather football. Get the wind and the rain into play, or pile snow on the field–that’s real football. Thick, heavy, packing snow covered the field in Lameau by the end of the second quarter, and Green Bay just thrived. Even after spotting the Seahawks two touchdowns,… Continue reading

PAssing of a Colleague, Reprise

I just finished my second day back at the office after the holidays, and I already had the discussion about the passing of our colleague with about ten or twelve people. I needed to talk to somebody yesterday morning. Today, more people trickled back and learned the news for the… Continue reading

In the Mail

Little victories can keep you going. I finished drafting my collection, Accretion, and will be dropping it into the mail tomorrow for the publisher to consider. It’s one milestone that I’ve been working toward for two or three months, and it’s nice to get it done (for now). The collection… Continue reading