Fighting Writers Block

Fighting the affliction of what is commonly called writers block is crucial to being productive. We’ve all sat staring at the computer screen not writing. How do we fight it to stay productive? One technique is to write boiler plate–that is, write whatever comes to mind, even if it’s crap…. Continue reading

Writers Block

Yesterday, I mentioned writers being asked where they get ideas. That segues right into the topic of writer’s block. But first, a little side discussion. Last night, we had simultaneous band concerts at the elementary and middle schools. Reanna had her last band concert as an elementary student, and Audrey… Continue reading

Even More Motivation

For the last couple of days, I’ve been talking about motivation for writing. Attitude and Fortitude has been the catch-phrase I seem to have grabbed. The thing is, nothing gets written without those two traits. A can-do attitude is absolutely required to write. Fortitude is required to finish a project…. Continue reading