LepreCon 41, Phoenix, AZ

Rick Novy and David Gerrold at Chino Banditos Phoenix during LepreCon 41
I hadn’t been planning to attend LepreCon 41 this year. LepreCon is often the only con I attend but I’m usually asked to be on program. For some reason, most of the usual guests were not there this year. The convention made a late add of David Gerrold to the slate of guests of honor, and I changed my mind. David and I have been friends for a good decade. I think of him as my science fiction “cool uncle.”
Since I hadn’t seen David for seven or eight years, I decided to go. We hung out for several hours on Friday. I helped him with his booth in the dealer room and we talked shop when nobody was buying a tribble. We had lunch with another of David’s friends (whose name I didn’t get). He is also involved in Hollywood, and listening to the two trade war stories is entertaining. His Land of the Lost panel was fun, again for the war stories. I bugged out early Saturday evening because I had another commitment.
Saturday, I spent several more hours there and we chatted more. Over the course of the weekend, I also saw David Lee Summers and Gilead, the only two regulars that seemed to be on program. (David edits Tales of the Talisman, and Gilead is the artist who did the cover for Fishpunk.) I also met for the first time Jennifer Brozek and briefly Dayton Ward.
While it was a bit strange not having any panels to sit on, it was nice to have the freedom to wander around whenever I felt like it.