A Difficult Choice

After some reflection of where my writing career is going, I’ve made some decisions that involve a difficult choice. I just went through my spreadsheet of short stories that are currently in the market and I culled sub-par material.

That was a difficult process because some of these stories have been with me for a decade.  Some were written during a very stressful period in my life.  Some still have cool ideas. Some are related to novels still in my head and don’t make sense without the novel.

I immediately pulled 12 stories from circulation, and I marked another 12 to pull if they don’t sell at the market they are currently visiting.  That makes 24 stories that I basically threw into a trunk, leaving  only 10 stories in the marketplace.

I did this because I don’t think these stories accurately represent my ability anymore.  I did it because the stories will probably never sell to an acceptable market.  I did it because I need a kick in the pants.

Now that I’ve finished my non-fiction title eBooks for the 21st-Century Author, I need to get hopping on my short fiction again.  I haven’t reached my objectives with short fiction, largely because of that stressful period in my life.

So, I intend to finish up the same outstanding short fiction projects I would have worked on anyway.  After that, I will be pounding out more short stories and will continue to do so until I crack the big three.  Only then will I return to long fiction and finish up more novels.

I’m basing this action entirely on intuition, but it’s a sense that has served me quite well whenever I listen to it.

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