I learned today that I won my 10th honorable mention in the Writers of the Future Contest.  It’s very frustrating on the one hand, because I have never placed into the semi-finals.

But they say that of the thousands of entries, honorable mentions go to the top 10%.  I always seem to be in the last group eliminated.  Whether that has any significance, I don’t know. Writer Kevin J. Anderson, who collected a great number of them back when they were still called quarter-finalist, told me to be proud of the achievement because “despite what you think, those things aren’t easy to come by.”

So, there is something to be said for consistency, I guess.  Eligibility for the contest is no more than 3 professional fiction sales.  I have one to Intergalactic Medicine Show and one to Flash Fiction Online that count against that total.  I have one sale to a now-defunct online magazine called Darker Matter that may or may not count against that total.  I suspect it will.  That means the next sale to a major market disqualifies me.

There will come a day when I either win the contest or I disqualify myself.  But a lot of good writers have failed to win the contest and have gone on to have brilliant writing careers.  Still, it is a bit frustrating.

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