Pro or Hobbyist?

Recently, in a private online discussion, the topic of what defines a professional writer came up.  Some argue that anyone selling at what SFWA defines as professional rates, and to professional venues, should be considered a pro.  Others argue that only people who make their living writing should have the right to be called professional writers.

This is something I used to be concerned with, long before I broke in, and even for a time after.  At that time, the question was phrased When can I call myself a professional writer.

In time, that question really stopped mattering.  I don’t support my lifestyle with  my writing.  In fact, I don’t support it with anything at the moment.  yet I am selling my work.  But when it comes right down to the kernel of the issue, I don’t think it really matters.  It makes no difference to me whether Eric Flint or anybody else considers me a pro or a hobbyist.  No difference at all.

That’s why I no longer care how I’m categorized.  I’ll just keep plugging away and that’s all that matters.

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