Movie Frustration

I don’t know if I’m the only one who has this problem or it it’s more widespread, but I sure seem to get an awful lot of movies from Netflix that are unwatchable.  I spend more time trying to get the movies to continue from being in a frozen state than actually watching the movies.

They come in bunches.  I’ll get a cluster where 7 of 10 movies are scratched and freeze, then I’ll get a bunch that don’t.  Just when I think they’ve fixed the problem, I start to get bad ones again.

Am I the only one, or does everyone else have that problem?  I’ve considered canceling, but the streaming option is becoming a choice more and more often, and that makes the $15 bucks a month worthwhile regardless of DVDs shipped.  When they finally get the Wii disk shipped and we can watch streaming on the big TV, it will fix much of the problem.  Still, it’s frustrating when I expect to sit down and watch a movie and all I get is aggravation.

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